PrepTest 123, Section 3, Question 3

By Brandon Beaver | Published October 29, 2024

Type: Agree / Disagree



Carolyn says that this Sulston “portrait” isn’t a portrait because it doesn’t look like Sulston. Arnold disagrees, saying it’s a “maximally realistic portrait.” Arnold must thing it is a portrait. Arnold doesn’t go so far as “it looks just like Sulston,” but does explicitly disagree with Carolyn on her “this isn’t a portrait” conclusion.
Neither say it isn’t art.
Both agree it’s Quinn’s work.
No, Arnold doesn’t go so far as to say that it looks like Sulston.
Carolyn doesn’t say otherwise.
Yup, this is exactly what they are arguing about. Carolyn says it isn’t a portrait because it doesn’t look like him. Sulston says it is a portrait because it’s “maximally realistic” and “holds actual instructions” for how “Sulston was created.”


Carolyn: The artist Marc Quinn has displayed, behind a glass plate, biologically replicated fragments of Sir John Sulston's DNA, calling it a "conceptual portrait" of Sulston. But to be a portrait, something must bear a recognizable resemblance to its subject.

Arnold: I disagree. Quinn's conceptual portrait is a maximally realistic portrait, for it holds actual instructions according to which Sulston was created.

Question 3

The dialogue provides most support for the claim that Carolyn and Arnold disagree over whether the object described by Quinn as a conceptual portrait of Sir John Sulston
should be considered to be art
should be considered to be Quinn's work
bears a recognizable resemblance to Sulston
contains instructions according to which Sulston was created
is actually a portrait of Sulston