PrepTest 123, Section 2, Question 10

By Brandon Beaver | Published October 29, 2024

Type: Main Conclusion



The first sentence is the main conclusion. The “and clearly scientists…” part is an intermediate conclusion supported by the first half of the second sentence. We know that part is the intermediate conclusion, and not the main conclusion, because that supports the first sentence. Why should double-blind techniques be used? Because scientists should try to avoid misinterpretations that occur when double-blind techniques aren’t used.
No. This is roughly the premise. It definitely isn’t the conclusion.
Bingo. This is the first sentence, which is the main conclusion.
No, this is just a premise.
Nope. This is a claim used as a premise.
Nah. This is never discussed. Didn’t read? Don’t pick.


Double-blind techniques should be used whenever possible in scientific experiments. They help prevent the misinterpretations that often arise due to expectations and opinions that scientists already hold, and clearly scientists should be extremely diligent in trying to avoid such misinterpretations.

Question 10

Which one of the following most accurately expresses the main conclusion of the argument?
Scientists' objectivity may be impeded by interpreting experimental evidence on the basis of expectations and opinions that they already hold.
It is advisable for scientists to use double-blind techniques in as high a proportion of their experiments as they can.
Scientists sometimes neglect to adequately consider the risk of misinterpreting evidence on the basis of prior expectations and opinions.
Whenever possible, scientists should refrain from interpreting evidence on the basis of previously formed expectations and convictions.
Double-blind experimental techniques are often an effective way of ensuring scientific objectivity.