June 2007 PrepTest, Section 2, Question 21
By Brandon Beaver | Published October 29, 2024
Type: Flaw
Hate to break it to you, but the car isn’t the issue here. You are. Specifically, you driving it recklessly. The “research” you did probably doesn’t show that driving a minivan/sedan causes fewer accidents. It probably just shows a correlation between driving a minivan and not driving recklessly.
Yup, this is a classic correlation-causation issue. Minivans having lower accident rates is a correlation. This does not mean that driving one will cause your accident rate to decrease.
Sample size isn’t mentioned so this can’t be proven.
The conclusion is that it would “lower my risk,” not “make my risk 0%.”
No, there isn’t a confusion of sufficient for necessary here.
Can you prove that from the passage? If no, then you can’t pick this answer choice.
Driver: My friends say I will one day have an accident becau
Question 21
The reasoning in the driver's argument is most vulnerable to