June 2007 PrepTest, Section 2, Question 17

By Brandon Beaver | Published October 29, 2024

Type: Flaw



Um, please don’t. Computer experts said that something about computers is the biggest threat. You are a hospital. Please prioritize my health.
Also, the most significant threat doesn’t necessary justify receiving the highest priority. The most significant threat in the world might be nuclear warfare. That doesn’t mean our top priority should be stopping nukes—that is already (mostly) under control and we have so many other issues not under control.
The only cause discussed here is unauthorized data access and it isn’t purported as a solution to anything.
Perfect. These are computer experts. You are a hospital. Computer nerds know about computer stuff. You can’t expect their expert testimony to extend to topics they don’t know about.
We don’t discuss any correlations or their possible causes.
No group data—let alone from a proven unrepresentative sample—is presented.
The expert says “large institutions such as…hospitals.” The speaker is a hospital executive. Their testimony applies.


Hospital executive: At a recent conference on nonprofit mana

Question 17

The hospital executive's argument is most vulnerable to whic