PrepTest C, Section 2, Question 24
Agricultural economist: We can increase agricultural production without reducing biodiversity, but only if we abandon conventional agriculture. Thus, if we choose to sustain economic growth, which requires increasing agricultural production, we should radically modify agricultural techniques.
Agricultural economist: We can increase agricultural production without reducing biodiversity, but only if we abandon conventional agriculture. Thus, if we choose to sustain economic growth, which requires increasing agricultural production, we should radically modify agricultural techniques.
Agricultural economist: We can increase agricultural production without reducing biodiversity, but only if we abandon conventional agriculture. Thus, if we choose to sustain economic growth, which requires increasing agricultural production, we should radically modify agricultural techniques.
Agricultural economist: We can increase agricultural production without reducing biodiversity, but only if we abandon conventional agriculture. Thus, if we choose to sustain economic growth, which requires increasing agricultural production, we should radically modify agricultural techniques.
Which one of the following principles, if valid, most helps to justify the agricultural economist's reasoning?
Agricultural production should be reduced if doing so would increase biodiversity.
Economic growth should not be pursued at the expense of a loss of biodiversity.
Economic growth should be sustained only as long as agricultural production continues to increase.
Preserving biodiversity is no more important than increasing agricultural production.
Agricultural techniques should be radically modified only if doing so would further the extent to which we can increase agricultural production.