PrepTest 93+, Section 3, Question 12
Columnist: Vagrancy laws are supposed to reduce criminal activity, but they don't. Making vagrancy illegal means transforming many innocuous everyday occurrences into crimes. Thus, vagrancy laws increase crime while purporting to reduce it.
Columnist: Vagrancy laws are supposed to reduce criminal activity, but they don't. Making vagrancy illegal means transforming many innocuous everyday occurrences into crimes. Thus, vagrancy laws increase crime while purporting to reduce it.
Columnist: Vagrancy laws are supposed to reduce criminal activity, but they don't. Making vagrancy illegal means transforming many innocuous everyday occurrences into crimes. Thus, vagrancy laws increase crime while purporting to reduce it.
Columnist: Vagrancy laws are supposed to reduce criminal activity, but they don't. Making vagrancy illegal means transforming many innocuous everyday occurrences into crimes. Thus, vagrancy laws increase crime while purporting to reduce it.
The reasoning in the columnist's argument is most vulnerable to criticism on the grounds that the argument
presumes, without providing any justification, that most innocuous everyday occurrences are harmful to society
mistakenly infers, from the claim that vagrancy laws are associated with an increase in many innocuous everyday occurrences, that vagrancy laws cause that increase
fails to specify what is meant by "innocuous everyday occurrences"
fails to consider the possibility that crime will increase even in the absence of vagrancy laws
does not adequately distinguish between an increase in criminal activity and the reclassification of certain occurrences as crimes