PrepTest 71, Section 2, Question 10
Vincent: No scientific discipline can study something that cannot be measured, and since happiness is an entirely subjective experience, it cannot be measured.
Vincent: No scientific discipline can study something that cannot be measured, and since happiness is an entirely subjective experience, it cannot be measured.
Yolanda: Just as optometry relies on patients' reports of what they see, happiness research relies on subjects' reports of how they feel. Surely optometry is a scientific discipline.
Vincent: No scientific discipline can study something that cannot be measured, and since happiness is an entirely subjective experience, it cannot be measured.
Yolanda: Just as optometry relies on patients' reports of what they see, happiness research relies on subjects' reports of how they feel. Surely optometry is a scientific discipline.
Vincent: No scientific discipline can study something that cannot be measured, and since happiness is an entirely subjective experience, it cannot be measured.
Vincent's and Yolanda's statements provide the most support for concluding that they disagree over which one of the following?
Happiness is an entirely subjective experience.
Optometry is a scientific discipline.
A scientific discipline can rely on subjective reports.
Happiness research is as much a scientific discipline as optometry is.
Experiences that cannot be measured are entirely subjective experiences.