PrepTest 68, Section 3, Question 12
Dried parsley should never be used in cooking, for it is far less tasty and healthful than fresh parsley is.
Dried parsley should never be used in cooking, for it is far less tasty and healthful than fresh parsley is.
Dried parsley should never be used in cooking, for it is far less tasty and healthful than fresh parsley is.
Dried parsley should never be used in cooking, for it is far less tasty and healthful than fresh parsley is.
Which one of the following principles, if valid, most clearly helps to justify the argument above?
Fresh ingredients should be used in cooking whenever possible.
Only the tastiest ingredients should ever be used in cooking.
Ingredients that should never be used in cooking are generally neither tasty nor healthful.
Parsley that is not both tasty and healthful should never be used in cooking.
In cooking, dried ingredients are inferior to fresh ingredients.