PrepTest 63, Section 2, Question 5
Gardener: The design of Japanese gardens should display harmony with nature. Hence, rocks chosen for placement in such gardens should vary widely in appearance, since rocks found in nature also vary widely in appearance.
Gardener: The design of Japanese gardens should display harmony with nature. Hence, rocks chosen for placement in such gardens should vary widely in appearance, since rocks found in nature also vary widely in appearance.
Gardener: The design of Japanese gardens should display harmony with nature. Hence, rocks chosen for placement in such gardens should vary widely in appearance, since rocks found in nature also vary widely in appearance.
Gardener: The design of Japanese gardens should display harmony with nature. Hence, rocks chosen for placement in such gardens should vary widely in appearance, since rocks found in nature also vary widely in appearance.
The gardener's argument depends on assuming which one of the following?
The selection of rocks for placement in a Japanese garden should reflect every key value embodied in the design of Japanese gardens.
In the selection of rocks for Japanese gardens, imitation of nature helps to achieve harmony with nature.
The only criterion for selecting rocks for placement in a Japanese garden is the expression of harmony with nature.
Expressing harmony with nature and being natural are the same thing.
Each component of a genuine Japanese garden is varied.