PrepTest 61, Section 1, Question 9
An archaeologist has six ancient artifacts�a figurine, a headdress, a jar, a necklace, a plaque, and a tureen�no two of which are the same age. She will order them from first (oldest) to sixth (most recent). The following has already been determined:
An archaeologist has six ancient artifacts�a figurine, a headdress, a jar, a necklace, a plaque, and a tureen�no two of which are the same age. She will order them from first (oldest) to sixth (most recent). The following has already been determined:
An archaeologist has six ancient artifacts�a figurine, a headdress, a jar, a necklace, a plaque, and a tureen�no two of which are the same age. She will order them from first (oldest) to sixth (most recent). The following has already been determined:
An archaeologist has six ancient artifacts�a figurine, a headdress, a jar, a necklace, a plaque, and a tureen�no two of which are the same age. She will order them from first (oldest) to sixth (most recent). The following has already been determined:
The figurine is older than both the jar and the headdress.
The necklace and the jar are both older than the tureen.
Either the plaque is older than both the headdress and the necklace, or both the headdress and the necklace are older than the plaque.
If the figurine is third, which one of the following must be second?