PrepTest 59, Section 2, Question 5
Gilbert: This food label is mistaken. It says that these cookies contain only natural ingredients, but they contain alphahydroxy acids that are chemically synthesized by the cookie company at their plant.
Gilbert: This food label is mistaken. It says that these cookies contain only natural ingredients, but they contain alphahydroxy acids that are chemically synthesized by the cookie company at their plant.
Sabina: The label is not mistaken. After all, alphahydroxy acids also are found occurring naturally in sugarcane.
Gilbert: This food label is mistaken. It says that these cookies contain only natural ingredients, but they contain alphahydroxy acids that are chemically synthesized by the cookie company at their plant.
Sabina: The label is not mistaken. After all, alphahydroxy acids also are found occurring naturally in sugarcane.
Gilbert: This food label is mistaken. It says that these cookies contain only natural ingredients, but they contain alphahydroxy acids that are chemically synthesized by the cookie company at their plant.
Which one of the following, if true, would most strengthen Sabina's argument?
The cookie company has recently dropped alphahydroxy acids from its cookie ingredients.
Not all chemicals that are part of the manufacturing process are ingredients of the cookies.
The label was printed before the cookie company decided to switch from sugarcane alphahydroxy acids to synthesized ones.
Many other foods advertising all natural ingredients also contain some ingredients that are chemically synthesized.
All substances except those that do not occur naturally in any source are considered natural.