PrepTest 56, Section 3, Question 17
Of all the Arabic epic poems that have been popular at various times, only Sirat Bani Hilal is still publicly performed. Furthermore, while most other epics were only recited, Sirat Bani Hilal has usually been sung. The musical character of the performance, therefore, is the main reason for its longevity.
Of all the Arabic epic poems that have been popular at various times, only Sirat Bani Hilal is still publicly performed. Furthermore, while most other epics were only recited, Sirat Bani Hilal has usually been sung. The musical character of the performance, therefore, is the main reason for its longevity.
Of all the Arabic epic poems that have been popular at various times, only Sirat Bani Hilal is still publicly performed. Furthermore, while most other epics were only recited, Sirat Bani Hilal has usually been sung. The musical character of the performance, therefore, is the main reason for its longevity.
Of all the Arabic epic poems that have been popular at various times, only Sirat Bani Hilal is still publicly performed. Furthermore, while most other epics were only recited, Sirat Bani Hilal has usually been sung. The musical character of the performance, therefore, is the main reason for its longevity.
The argument is most vulnerable to criticism on the grounds that it
relies on evidence that is in principle impossible to corroborate
relies on a source of evidence that may be biased
takes for granted that a particular correlation is causal
takes what may be mere popular opinion to be an established fact
takes a sufficient condition to be a necessary condition