PrepTest 56, Section 2, Question 11
Lance: If experience teaches us nothing else, it teaches us that every general rule has at least one exception.
Lance: If experience teaches us nothing else, it teaches us that every general rule has at least one exception.
Frank: What you conclude is itself a general rule. If we assume that it is true, then there is at least one general rule that has no exceptions. Therefore, you must withdraw your conclusion.
Lance: If experience teaches us nothing else, it teaches us that every general rule has at least one exception.
Frank: What you conclude is itself a general rule. If we assume that it is true, then there is at least one general rule that has no exceptions. Therefore, you must withdraw your conclusion.
Lance: If experience teaches us nothing else, it teaches us that every general rule has at least one exception.
Frank's argument is an attempt to counter Lance's conclusion by
demonstrating that Lance assumes the very thing he sets out to prove
showing that Lance's conclusion involves him in a contradiction
showing that no general rule can have exceptions
establishing that experience teaches us the opposite of what Lance concludes
showing that it has no implications for any real cases