PrepTest 55, Section 2, Question 15
Zack's Coffeehouse schedules free poetry readings almost every Wednesday. Zack's offers half-priced coffee all day on every day that a poetry reading is scheduled.
Zack's Coffeehouse schedules free poetry readings almost every Wednesday. Zack's offers half-priced coffee all day on every day that a poetry reading is scheduled.
Zack's Coffeehouse schedules free poetry readings almost every Wednesday. Zack's offers half-priced coffee all day on every day that a poetry reading is scheduled.
Zack's Coffeehouse schedules free poetry readings almost every Wednesday. Zack's offers half-priced coffee all day on every day that a poetry reading is scheduled.
Which one of the following can be properly inferred from the information above?
Wednesday is the most common day on which Zack's offers half-priced coffee all day.
Most free poetry readings given at Zack's are scheduled for Wednesdays.
Free poetry readings are scheduled on almost every day that Zack's offers half-priced coffee all day.
Zack's offers half-priced coffee all day on most if not all Wednesdays.
On some Wednesdays Zack's does not offer half-priced coffee all day.