PrepTest 51, Section 3, Question 4
Pundit: The average salary for teachers in our society is lower than the average salary for athletes. Obviously, our society values sports more than it values education.
Pundit: The average salary for teachers in our society is lower than the average salary for athletes. Obviously, our society values sports more than it values education.
Pundit: The average salary for teachers in our society is lower than the average salary for athletes. Obviously, our society values sports more than it values education.
Pundit: The average salary for teachers in our society is lower than the average salary for athletes. Obviously, our society values sports more than it values education.
The reasoning in the pundit's argument is questionable because the argument
presumes, without providing justification, that sports have some educational value
fails to consider that the total amount of money spent on education may be much greater than the total spent on sports
fails to consider both that most teachers are not in the classroom during the summer and that most professional athletes do not play all year
compares teachers' salaries only to those of professional athletes rather than also to the salaries of other professionals
fails to compare salaries for teachers in the pundit's society to salaries for teachers in other societies