PrepTest 49, Section 2, Question 1
Ilana: Carver's stories are somber and pessimistic, which is a sure sign of inferior writing. I have never read a single story of his that ends happily.
Ilana: Carver's stories are somber and pessimistic, which is a sure sign of inferior writing. I have never read a single story of his that ends happily.
Gustav: Carver was one of the finest writers of the past 30 years. Granted, his stories are characterized by somberness and pessimism, but they are also wryly humorous, compassionate, and beautifully structured.
Ilana: Carver's stories are somber and pessimistic, which is a sure sign of inferior writing. I have never read a single story of his that ends happily.
Gustav: Carver was one of the finest writers of the past 30 years. Granted, his stories are characterized by somberness and pessimism, but they are also wryly humorous, compassionate, and beautifully structured.
Ilana: Carver's stories are somber and pessimistic, which is a sure sign of inferior writing. I have never read a single story of his that ends happily.
On the basis of their statements, Ilana and Gustav are committed to disagreeing over whether
Carver's stories are truly compassionate
Carver's stories are pessimistic in their vision
stories that are characterized by somberness and pessimism can appropriately be called humorous
stories that are well written can be somber and pessimistic
there are some characteristics of a story that are decisive in determining its aesthetic value