PrepTest 47, Section 3, Question 2
Being near woodlands, the natural habitat of bees, promotes the health of crops that depend on pollination. Bees, the most common pollinators, visit flowers far from woodlands less often than they visit flowers close to woodlands.
Being near woodlands, the natural habitat of bees, promotes the health of crops that depend on pollination. Bees, the most common pollinators, visit flowers far from woodlands less often than they visit flowers close to woodlands.
Being near woodlands, the natural habitat of bees, promotes the health of crops that depend on pollination. Bees, the most common pollinators, visit flowers far from woodlands less often than they visit flowers close to woodlands.
Being near woodlands, the natural habitat of bees, promotes the health of crops that depend on pollination. Bees, the most common pollinators, visit flowers far from woodlands less often than they visit flowers close to woodlands.
Which one of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?
The likelihood that a plant is pollinated increases as the number of visits from pollinators increases.
Many bees live in habitats other than woodlands.
Woodlands are not the natural habitat of all pollinators.
Some pollinators visit flowers far from their habitats more often than they visit flowers close to their habitats.
Many crops that are not near woodlands depend on pollination.