PrepTest 43, Section 3, Question 16
Everything that is commonplace and ordinary fails to catch our attention, so there are things that fail to catch our attention but that are miracles of nature.
Everything that is commonplace and ordinary fails to catch our attention, so there are things that fail to catch our attention but that are miracles of nature.
Everything that is commonplace and ordinary fails to catch our attention, so there are things that fail to catch our attention but that are miracles of nature.
Everything that is commonplace and ordinary fails to catch our attention, so there are things that fail to catch our attention but that are miracles of nature.
The conclusion of the argument follows logically if which one of the following is assumed?
Only miracles of nature fail to be ordinary and commonplace.
Some things that are ordinary and commonplace are miracles of nature.
Some things that are commonplace and ordinary fail to catch our attention.
Everything that fails to catch our attention is commonplace and ordinary.
Only extraordinary or unusual things catch our attention.