PrepTest 40, Section 3, Question 16
Logan: Newspapers have always focused on ephemeral matters while ignoring important societal changes. For this and other reasons, old newspapers are useless to both amateur and professional historians.
Logan: Newspapers have always focused on ephemeral matters while ignoring important societal changes. For this and other reasons, old newspapers are useless to both amateur and professional historians.
Mendez: But news stories, along with popular art, provide a wealth of information about what the people of an era thought and felt.
Logan: Newspapers have always focused on ephemeral matters while ignoring important societal changes. For this and other reasons, old newspapers are useless to both amateur and professional historians.
Mendez: But news stories, along with popular art, provide a wealth of information about what the people of an era thought and felt.
Logan: Newspapers have always focused on ephemeral matters while ignoring important societal changes. For this and other reasons, old newspapers are useless to both amateur and professional historians.
On the basis of their statements, Logan and Mendez are committed to disagreeing over whether
newspapers accurately report the most important changes taking place in a society
the study of previous eras should include investigations of the conventions of newspaper reporting
popular art is an important source of information about what the people of previous eras thought and felt
newspapers ought to focus more on the types of stories they have glossed over in the past
newspaper reports from former eras are useful sources of material for understanding the past